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What is treated at the Medical Center (Machar)?

The Emergency Medical Center has the ability to contend with a wide array of medical needs, yet, we are not a hospital and have specific limitations. There are emergencies that require an immediate evacuation to a hospital and Magen David Adom (MDA) should be called directly in order to save precious time. 
The majority of ailments can be treated at the center. If you are unsure, simply call and ask the attending nurse before coming in. There are specific issues however that cannot be addressed at the center.
The Center does not treat cardiac events. We are fortunate to have a cardiac ambulance stationed at the center which can provide the best immediate care for such circumstances. If you suspect you or someone under your care is experiencing a cardiac event, do not hesitate! Call MDA immediately. 
In cases of choking, chest pain, sudden altered mental state, sudden paralysis, a fall from height involving a possible spinal or head injury, or snake bites, it is best to call MDA immediately.
In accordance to the strict guidelines of the Ministry of Health, we are prohibited from examining and treating obstetric related concerns. Thus, if your medical concern relates to your pregnancy and you are past your 20th week, you should be seeking medical attention in the hospital. 


Beyond general and emergency medical services one can find at the Efrat Medical Center: Advance Imaging Institutes, Women Clinics, Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Clinics, Occupational Therapists, Dietitians, Social Workers and medical experts in a wide variety of fields including: Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, Neurology and Developmental Neurology, Cardiology, Hematology, Skin and Sexuality, Surgery, Podiatry, Urology, Eating Disorders, Eyes, Orthopedics, Chinese and Holistic Medicine and coming soon ... A new dental clinic and a Pharmacy!

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